Sunday 6 July 2014

The Generic Hello.

I feel as if I should explain myself, my blog, it's aims and just tell you a bit about myself so I am no longer a meaningless stranger whose blog you have accidently stumbled across.

My name is Katie, I am 18 years old and I have just finished college. I've had blogs before but I've never been fully happy with them, I felt I was getting into a rut of writing what I thought would want to be read, rather than what I wanted to write. However this is not going to happen here, this blog is purely to document my life and thoughts and things I think are pretty cool. I want to write about travel, food, music, anything I am enjoying, maybe even things I am not enjoying, who knows, this blog is my oyster. (I have never understood that analogy)

Here are some facts about me that you may or may not wish to read:
  • I have four cats.
  • I have a bucket list that I made after finishing my a levels and I want to tick as many things off as possible each year, it's constantly growing.
  • I like cocktails, I mean I really like cocktails, give me a mojito and you can be my best friend.
  • An evening involving cards and/or jenga, friends and beer can top nearly any night out, in my opinion.
  • I like waking up early, I like the calm before the world wakes up.
  • If there's glitter and face painting involved, I'm there.
  • Raspberries are physical heaven and I love them.
  • I have a lot of respect for a person with justified opinions, ambition and curiosity.
  • I enjoy film photography and one of my bedroom walls has about 300 photos blutacked to it in an effort to find a use for the multitude of photos I take.
  • I really like Arctic Monkeys
I feel as if ten facts is enough for now. I hope you enjoyed this post, I know it's not the post interesting but it felt necessary. I vow from here on out everything will be more enthralling.

Katie. xx
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