Thursday 17 July 2014

We're Not In Kansas Anymore

We got off the plane full of relief, neither of us being the best of fliers. I hate the take off, Isabel hates the landing, and I don't particularly like being 35,000ft above the ground.. I only do it for the destination. Basically there was always one of us in constant fear of death. 

After a rather unresearch trip of overground train, underground train, tuktuk and a wander around, we found a bar. We had no plans, no idea, not much money due to my card not working initially, but everything was ok, we were both pretty content. We searched around and found a hotel, dropped our bags, had a quick shower then headed for Khao San road. Khao San is amazing, everything you hear it's going to be and more. You're told it will be lively, but not fully. There are people everywhere, it feels like a festival, everyone is happy and talkative and there are hundreds maybe, probably, even thousands of them. The only thing that did strike me as unwanted is the smell. Bangkok for its clean streets and hygienic reputation smells absolutely rancid. There's an overall sulfurous smell, like rotten eggs, mixed with a bit of sewage. It comes in waves though, mainly around food markets.

I will make full on posts of each area I visit as and when I can, maybe when I'm home. At the moment I'm on a train, it's a train that takes 17 hours. It's taking me from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, and it's acceptable. There's dead flies and mosquitos all over my bed, the sheets kind of smell like pee and I can't sleep, but yet again it's ok, everything is ok. It's funny how travelling bestows that contented feeling on you, as if you have no worries or cares in the world. I mean occasionally you lose something, or end up somewhere dodgy and the mini heart attacks set in, but apart from that it's lovely. This is coming from a very anxious person, I highly recommend travelling, it's the most relaxing I've ever done. 

Katie. xx

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